My Boyfriend Saw The Hat Man
ENGLISH TRANSLATION My boy is 17 years old and has a problem with his heart as a result of which he is taking pills. One
ENGLISH TRANSLATION My boy is 17 years old and has a problem with his heart as a result of which he is taking pills. One
My first encounter of the hat man was when I was about 7 years old. By this point I had been seeing spirit for years
I am guessing the first time I would’ve been very young 3-4-5? So that would put it 1979,1980s. It continued from then until I was
This happened to me for 3 nights and it would happen at night every time it came I sensed it before it would sit outside
Once when I was about 7-8 years old, I encountered this man. I was in my room and it was past my bedtime. I was