I was 8 months pregnant and lived in an unfinished basement apartment. I say unfinished because the kitchen, bathroom and living room wasn’t completely done. When Lance was almost 3 years old, he was standing in the doorway of our bedroom looking into the living area. I asked him what he was doing and still looking out, he told me that he was looking at the tall man with a hat on. I went over to look out, but didn’t see anything. When he was around 6, he woke me up one night and told me that this tall man with a hat was squatting down just watching him and he was different colors. That was the last time he said anything about the tall man with a hat. Until recently. Lance was now 20. This past November I gave him a ride home from work. He had told me about seeing shadows at night in the house. When he went to get out of the car, his parting words were, oh I’ve started seeing the tall man with a hat again. He went inside before I could say anything. Within the next month, Lance would take his own life.
My thoughts on this subject are: pretty sure this tall man with a hat is a demon. Why would it be haunting my son basically all his life? I know Lance was a born again Christian, but could this entity still have been trying to take his soul? I know the entity lost the battle. I know Lance is with God. What is this entities purpose?