
Welcome to the Hatman Project

Hello. My name is Timothy M. Brown, Jr. and I am the site owner, administrator, and researcher for The Hat Man Project. The purpose of this site is to research the phenomenon that has come to be known as “The Hat Man.” Reports of The Hat Man and other shadow beings have been on the rise within the last several decades. It was due to my own experience with this being, as well as my awareness of other people’s sightings of The Hat Man that I decided to begin this research project.

I started this project in 2001, collecting what few stories I could find on the web at the time. Since that time, this site has received hundreds of stories from people all over the world. It has taken me the better part of 20 years to fully understand what this phenomenon is all about. And after years of research I have finally come a conclusion of who or what the Hatman is, why he is appearing now, why he is appearing to people all over the world, and what to do if you are (or have had) and encounter with him.

I am currently writing a book about the Hatman called The Hatman Revealed. In this book I plan to go into detail about the commonalities of the many hundreds of stories we’ve received over the years and what those commonalities reveal about this being and phenomenon. There will be no cost for this book, and I believe that this has become more of a mission of mine more than anything else. This information needs to get out there.

The aim of this website is to explore the stories of the many sightings that have been reported. This is the very first and only web site solely devoted to researching, collecting, and archiving information and stories relating to The Hat Man. As more stories are researched and collected they will be posted on this site regularly.

Have you seen the Hatman? If you or anyone you know has had this experience, we would love to hear from you and add your story to this site. If you have a sighting or an encounter you would like to tell, please post your story here to the right of this page. Once reviewed we will post it online and give others a chance to comment on it. We look forward to hearing from you. If you would like to reach out to us personally, you may do so by contacting us here.

Submit Your Story Here

I agree to let my story be published on the Hatman Project website.

Here Are The Most Recent Hatman Stories

If you have a story of an ancounter with the Hatman or any shadow being, please feel free to write it in the story submission section above.
We read all the stories that come in, and with your permission, we would love to add it to the archive of stories here.

Just One Of Many

By |June 1st, 2023|

I've been seeing things since I was about 8 years old I'm now 40. It's not daily or even monthly I see things with large spaces of time passing between encounters, I don't necessarily believe this encounter I'm about to tell is specifically the night paralysis guy of the type usually associated with "The Hatman", more if he happened to be wearing a hat at the time. There is a pub near me in Bristol that lies on a village green at the other end is a church and a small cemetery. Seen in about 2010. While crossing the green

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Absolute Terror

By |June 1st, 2023|

I had no idea The Hat Man was a thing until a few days ago. A friend and I were retelling ‘scary’ stories. When I retold the below story they informed me of The Hat Man. I was 28 and it was 2007 when I saw The Hat Man (though I didn’t know who it was at the time). I was heavily pregnant and was regularly having vivid dreams. I awoke one night to the awful sensation something wasn’t right and I was being watched. I opened my eyes to see a shadowy figure, wearing a hat and trench coat,

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Nightly Terrors of The Hatman

By |June 1st, 2023|

The first time I saw the Hat Man I was about 7 or 8 years old. I was experiencing trouble with sleeping at the time and would have sleep paralysis and night terrors regularly. Hat Man would usually be watching me from the corner of the room while another monster would be closer and be the forefocus, but he was always there in the background. My sleep paralysis wa triggered by my fear of going to school the next day as I was getting horrendously bullied, so I associated him with fear. Years later, I hadn't seen him in a

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A Dark Shadow Man Wearing A Hat

By |June 1st, 2023|

Me and my family are having some pretty creepy experiences in our house right now. I and my husband were looking in our driveway (and be it noted here that I am not related to everything that happened to us because it would take hours, we have been dealing with those things for some time), and we were looking from a different direction. We book saw a very dark shadowy person form sitting in the car; what I saw most clearly was sitting in the back seat; it was a dark shadow man wearing a hat that look to be

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I Saw The Hat Man in Istanbul, Turkey

By |June 1st, 2023|

Hello I am Deniz Istanbul, Turkey. Around five years ago I saw The Hat Man and with him Shadow Men (like him but without a hat). First I saw a shadow without a hat and I was not sleeping it was like a sleeping paralysis and a shadow with a human (man) shape above me and I felt very bad it was not a good thing he was so devilish I just felt that few days or weeks after that I had a dream and it was the worst. I was in a room at my home and I heard

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The Most Terrifying Dream I’ve Ever Had

By |June 1st, 2023|

Okay, this is the story of my experience with "The Hat Man". I don't know much about him other than that people see him when they take drugs that induce hallucinations or they see him when they are sleep paralyzed or in dreams. I may research more about him, but I may not...I'm still scared. I saw "The Hat Man" in a dream and this was before I even knew about this phenomenon. It all happened a couple of months ago (I'm 17), since I didn't know anything about the Hat Man before I didn't document what I was doing

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By |June 1st, 2023|

When I was a kid (I was 8 at the time) I had just laid down to go to bed. I grew up in a very small home and had no bedroom door. The doorway entrance closest to my bed led to the living room. My house had a single landline phone, and the cord for this phone was plugged into the wall in my bedroom (this is important). As I lay there, I could see the lights from the TV in the living room flickering into my bedroom from the doorway, even with my eyes shut. My parents were

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My Encounter With Mr. Death

By |May 31st, 2023|

This happened a very long time ago, I was between 2 1/2 and 3 yrs. old. So, 1966? It's the first paranormal experience I remember. The time of day was late afternoon and it was still sunny and clear outside. I was looking out of a window while I was standing on our couch in the living room. My Mom and Dad were in the kitchen making lunch, and I saw him standing at the end of our driveway. I was fully awake, I didn't say anything at first we just stared at each other. He was a solid black

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Nightly Terror For Years

By |May 31st, 2023|

When I was 15, two of my friends tragically died in an ATV accident. That night, around 3 am I woke to a shadow figure standing over my bed looking down at me. I couldn't make out any features, but it looked like a man wearing a trench coat and hat. He quickly disappeared and I tried to scream, but no sound came out of me. I realized then that he was standing on the side of my bed that was against the wall, not humanly possible. This continued for many years, until I was 22 yrs old. Almost nightly,

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The Hatman: His Identity Revealed

Have you seen the Hatman? Have you seen other shadow beings? If so what do they mean? What should be done about them? The Hatman: His Identity Revealed is the culmination of over 20 years of research into the Hatman phenomenon. After carefully reading, researching and experiencing the Hatman and other shadow beings over the last two decades, Timothy M. Brown, Jr. now offers his understanding of exactly who or what these beings are, in his new book The Hatman: His Identity Revealed.

There will be no cost for the book. If you are interested in receiving a copy as soon as it is released, click the button to the right. You will be added to our mailing list and you will be sent a copy of the book as soon as it is complete.

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