I was roughly about 11 or 12 sleeping in my grandparent’s bedroom with my sister. I woke but couldn’t move…
Then I noticed the hat man sitting at the edge of the bed turned slightly. I couldn’t see any features on him but I could feel him staring at me and I was screaming inside my mind but felt powerless. I tried to wake up my sister and then finally I was able to move and wake her up. She saw nothing. My grandparent’s house was owned by my grandfather’s family before them, so it was an older house in Loveland Colorado. My grandparent’s house was my favorite place to be, but when other family members were present or living there, the house was very negative.
Their energies were mean and negative and hateful. Alcoholism was common. Recreational drug use as well. I had an uncle that played demonic music during their binges… Their energies would turn from laughing and playful to hateful and mean within seconds. Although I am no longer religious, I have a better understanding of how negative entities can move more freely in spaces that harbor generational curses if you will, generational traumas, and negative energies that existed in the same household for decades. I assume this is why I experienced different phenomena including the hat man. Never saw him though.