I first saw Hat Man in the fall of 1988 in Rhode Island. I was 4. My parents were out for the night and I had a 16 year old babysitter. It was evening time and I was playing in the living room by myself when a tall, black shadow of a man with what looked like an Abraham Lincoln type hat and a long trench coat glided past me and down into the basement. As it was passing me, I froze. Maybe because I was scared? All I know is that I couldn’t speak until Hat Man was down the stairs. I immediately yelled for my babysitter. But what came out was “A big shadow man went into the basement.” She called the police and my parents but there was no man to be found. I even located my babysitter a few years ago to confirm what happened and she remembers she was totally freaked out from that night.

I forgot all about him….until I saw him again in the summer of 2002. I lived in Las Vegas by this time and I was pregnant with my first child. Hat man would walk through each room of the house periodically and disappear. He would do that for my second pregnancy in 2006 as well making himself seen only when I was alone. As an adult, I can say I don’t feel Hat Man had a negative energy but it sure creeps me out.