In 1994 I had NDE that involved wrecking my vehicle, and at one point I witnessed a shadow figure driving it before the wreck. It appeared male, there was no face it appeared to be wearing a trenchcoat that was all one shade of infinite black and was wearing a tall wide-brimmed hat. It seemed intent on its task of driving and did not respond to me when I spoke to it. The whole experience would take up too much space, so keeping it very brief.
I had never heard of shadow figures prior to this, and only heard of The Hatman figure within the last five years. The whole experience was life changing and hence began my spiritual quest that I never knew I needed. Prior to my NDE, I was very negative, dark, mean, and hateful. But I did not know this until afterward when my life/perception changed forever. I was on the wrong side of life and did not know it. Although I call it an NDE, it was not your typical – being in a tunnel, having past loved ones tell you to go back, then you are. No, instead I witness a shadow figure driving me. Needless to say, did not tell anyone for years.