Hi my 6 year old son has been freaking the beep out me about the hat man. He calls him the spy guy. We were outside in the backyard last week working on a rock path talking about flowers and slugs when out of the blue he says ” I just seen that guy again.” I turned and looked and said “What guy?” he said” He’s gone now, he seen me look at him.” I thought what the hell is going on?. So I said, “Where did he go? he said ” He just disappeared.” I said, “You saw a ghost?” He said, “No, it’s a shadow guy with a hat and he’s black.” After the sh*t ran down my leg I said, “Was it your shadow?” he responded with a smart ass answer and said, “Does it look like I have a hat on?(he didn’t)He said, ” He looks like a spy guy…you know like a spy guy looks like with those weird kind a hats.” I said ” Ya, I know what a Spy guy looks like. Does he talk to you?” He said “no.” I said, ” How many times have you seen him?” He said, “a lot.” I asked him if only sees him in the yard and he said, “No, I see him in the house too.” then he started trying to explain how if he looks that way and don’t move his head he’ll see him sometimes. He was trying to explain looking out of the corner of his eye. Then he said ” Sometimes when I’m in the house and I’m watching cartoons he’ll be by me sitting on this part of his legs(pointing to his shins) and he has a round circle thing with glass and a stick that he’s looking through and he don’t move. He just stares straight and showed me the position. I said,” A round glass circle thing?” He said,. ya I don’t know what they are called. I said, ” A magnifying glass?” He said, ” Ya that’s it!. He is always looking through that thing.” I said, ” Does he scare you?” He said, “Kind a.” Then I just quit asking him Questions and I said , ” We’ll I missed seeing him, will you tell me when you see him again so I can try to see him?” He said “ok.”

So 2 days ago we were outside about the same time frame as the last time he saw him outside which was about 7ish that night. I was at the grill cooking hotdogs and he was eating one sitting at the patio table when he said, “Mom!! Look it’s the Spy guy!” I turned so fast and he said( all frustrated and disappointed), “Too late Mom he saw me looking at him again, he disappeared.”

Tonight I said to him how long have you been seeing this guy, were you 3 4 or 5 or just since you turned 6? Which was on May 16th, He said, “Just since I’ve been 6.” I’m afraid to ask him anymore questions, so I’ll just let it go, but it scares me. Ohm I also asked him if has ever seen a ghost and he said, ” No, just the spy guy.”

I’ve read that if you have a near death experience or have had surgery your 6th sense is more enhanced. He had open heart surgery when he was 4 days old.
Feel free to send me anything that might help me to quit freaking out. Thanks MoonRising