It was the most terrifying experience I’ve ever had. I was always fascinated with ghost stories, horror films, mysteries, even strong spiritual connections… I can honestly say I never truly believed in ghosts though… There was always too much of a question there. If you ever have an experience like this you will never question again as it opens up all kinds of doorways of thoughts on the supernatural. In my house, a 1970s southern home, I have felt a presence before… It often is negative but has also been angelic after my mother passed. There were little things that happened when me and my sister were young… We shared a room together… I had seen a wolf-like creature standing by her nightstand with
Neon green glowing eyes… And another timshe saw an angle watching me as I slept. Those visions faded with time and age. One night just a few years ago now I had fallen asleep in my bedroom. I felt something was watching me. My eyes flew open and standing near the foot of my bed, kind of at the side, was a man watching me… He had beady piercing black eyes, he was old but had no wrinkles, white hair and a white short beard. He wore what appeared to be a black trench coat and a rounded long brim Amish looking hat or sharp brimed vintage fedora. His look was dull, stoic, slightly sad, intrigued somehow by me… Menacing because of it. I got the feeling he had been there before. After several good seconds of realizing this was infact real I let out a bloodcurdling scream. I ran up the back of the bed and against the wall. And he vanished before me. I turned on the night lamp and grabbed my phone. Went outside my room and called my sister. What is curious is that my mother passed a year later in the same month. I often think he was a forteller of doom…. Or just a curious entity that wants something but is unsure how to attain it. It helps to know other people have seen this “man”… I would like to talk to someone who actually saw this pale man’s direct face because very few I have read saw him at such close range. I can still see him right now in my mind…