
I am so glad to have ran across your site! I was on this site call AlienAddictions.com and one post led me to your website. I never knew this black shadow figure had a name or that anyone else has seen this exact description of what I have been seeing since a child. You’re website said to email you my story so here it is.

Ever since I was about 6 years old I have always seen black shadowy figures, demon looking creatures and normals looking humans that no one else sees but me. The first time I saw the tall black shadowy figure “the Hat Man” I was laying on my bed and his shadow was touching the ground all the way to my ceiling and he was wearing a top hat and what seemed like a long trench coat. He was just staring at me with white eyes. I was just staring back at him because I did not know if it was real or if I was dreaming or if I should be afraid. We just stared at each other for a couple of minutes then it just disappeared.

I am 22 now and I still encounter many strange being I cannot explain. I’ve been to doctors to see if they could figure anything out but they say my brain waves are normal. So I still do not have the answers to why I see these things. Recently, in the past couple of years, the figures I see try to communicate with me.

If you have an ideas of what I am experiencing I would love to know! I hope my encounter of the “Hat Man” has helped your research.

I hope to hear from you soon.

– Anissa